Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Fidel Supports Obama. No Supprise There.

The latest sound coming out of our favorite dictator, (no, the one to the south not the one in Washington), is a rant about the "right-wing" Obama haters preventing Obama from implementing his "positive" changes because he's black. Such as turning the United States into a dictatorial-communist nation.

Castro said Obama had inherited many problems from his predecessor, George W. Bush, and was trying to resolve them. But the "powerful extreme right won't be happy with anything that diminishes their prerogatives in the slightest way."

Castro was also heard to say,

"Kill them all."
"Let them rot in prison and then kill them all."
"I don't care if he is my second in command, kill him and his family."
"Let the Russians put their missiles here so we can kill all the Americans with them."
"Che, my life long friend, go ahead and kill them all."
"Raul, kill Che."
"Raul, find me a roll of toilet paper, and ah, um, oh yeah, kill them all."

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